Defence Growth Partnership Export Market Analysis

Thursday 2 March 2023

Defence Growth Partnership Export Market Analysis

We provided project management services to deliver a joint cross government and industry market analysis exercise.


As part of our client’s commitment to the Defence Growth Partnership, The Defence and Security Organisation (DSO) ran a project to identify strategic defence markets for the next 5 to 15 years. Our team was briefed to provide project management services as the project moved into a more in-depth analysis phase.


The key ask was to bring structure, pace, and proactive stakeholder engagement to the project. There was a requirement to outsource part of the analysis to the UK Defence Solutions Centre (UKDSC) and work extensively across government departments to deliver insightful strategic analysis on several export markets.

The analysis requirement was complex, and we needed to move the project forward at significant pace with limited resource. Structure and stakeholder management was extremely critical to the project’s success, too.


This was a cross government and industry exercise requiring consensus, commitment and ultimately investment to develop enduring relationships to increase UK market share in several defence export markets.

We needed to efficiently re-scope the project phase and define roles and responsibilities both in the project team, the UKDSC, and other key external stakeholders.

We led engagement with our delivery partners across government departments and industry, keeping their delivery on track, and facilitated a more productive and collaborative working relationship. We were responsible for project managing all activity in the phase, leading up to a high-profile cross government and industry workshop which represented the culmination of analysis during this phase of the project.


The project was undertaken by a joint industry and government team and was the first time this type of analysis and stakeholder exercise was attempted by DSO.

Our contribution to this project was significant, bringing structure, ideas, and management to the initiative. We managed the delivery of this phase of the project with great skill, surpassing the client’s expectations.

This phase delivered the outcomes expected and received excellent feedback from across government and from senior industry partners, which reflects the quality of our contribution to the team.